Solstice mood in Latgalia 2011

Summer solstice wonderfulness, as it could be, associates with being in nature, in countryside, far from city hurry, noise, hurry. Going on white, graveled countryside road, finally get your eyes up on blue-white sky, hear bird songs, take a deep meadow flower aroma breath, and feel, that with your body is taking a rest your soul too.

Lasīt vairāk –

South African wines

In the beginning the South Africa interested me just for one tourism object – penguin colony near the Boulders beach, now there’s one more relevant aspect – wines.

Lasīt vairāk –

Kama sutra for an orator

Before a year, when I bought this Radislavs Gandapass book, it didn’t even come in my mind, that this year I’ll have the happiness to be in his training classes in Moscow. At that time I was spoken by this book’s subtitle “Ten chapters about that, how to get and give maximal joy and pleasure, performing in public”, now fascinated authors ability to keep auditory attention for all day in maximal interest as with useful advices.

Lasīt vairāk –

Job interviews in the IT industry

People can or can’t be not just smart, but brave/shy, orderly/disorderly, snug/careless, punctual/distracted and endued with other characteristics. Even if how we wanted, that you were judged as a human, but exactly like a human you are judged. You’re not judged by your knowledge, education, outfit or communication skills, but all is summed up.

Lasīt vairāk –

Paulo Coelho – Zahir

We want to read books, when it’s little bit sad and lonely. There begins conversation with authors made characters, conversation with an angel and a demon in yourself. The second verity is that we really don’t choose the books, but they choose us. The real book come like a sign, like answer on your questions, they come in the right time, when you can give to it enough attention.

Lasīt vairāk –

Baile y emociones photos – 2. The serpentine of the dance.

Concert consisted of 17 dance performances. Multiple flamenco styles were performed by girls from Flamenco club Duende – tangos, seguiras, tientos, alegrias, tanguillo, caracoles, guajiras, rumba and sevillanas. Guest dancer Sofia rejoiced us with farruka and Anda with modern improvisation. Alternating the Spanish rhythms, visitors were able to enjoy Argantine tango and supple pair dance performed by Karlis and Dace, Aigars and Ginta.

Lasīt vairāk –

What hand fingers tell?

Continuing theme about human body proportions, this time I’ll focus on details – finger and nail characterization. Although it all needs to be viewed together – both form, and flexibility, and color, and scanning, and proportion, primary several standard observations about finger types.

Lasīt vairāk –

Penguins Collection

For many yearsour hobby is to collect penguins. Collection is formed from penguins, made in different styles and techniques. We buy them, they are presented, and we create them ourselves.

Lasīt vairāk –

Adding a Google’s +1 button

I have just affected from massive Google +1 button ad campaign and added this button to share line. So, please feel free to use it! 🙂

Lasīt vairāk –

Baile y emociones photo. Personalities.

A short overview to concert „Baile y emociones”, organized by flamenco dance club DUENDE in Latvia, Riga 2011.05.29
Part one. Personalities.

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